u won't get annoyed with your 2 little babies!! [版主回覆01/14/2010 16:42:00]I was really pissed off when I found them damage my stuffs. But I'll always give them chances!
haha, laugh die me peter rabbit is soooo cute, but so poor now..... [版主回覆01/14/2010 16:42:00]Yes, I really love that Peter Rabbit. I bought it from the online auction and am not able to get another one again!
oh no.. they are so naughty... how dare they are..... kill so many animals.. [版主回覆01/14/2010 16:38:00]Yes, I was very angry when I found out those things damaged by the two cats.
u won't get annoyed with your 2 little babies!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/14/2010 16:42:00]I was really pissed off when I found them damage my stuffs. But I'll always give them chances!
haha, laugh die me peter rabbit is soooo cute, but so poor now.....
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/14/2010 16:42:00]Yes, I really love that Peter Rabbit. I bought it from the online auction and am not able to get another one again!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/14/2010 16:41:00]好眉好貌生沙虱
回覆刪除做乜突然做破壞王呀 ? 佢地對眼一臉無知無辜 , 取消通緝吧
[版主回覆01/14/2010 16:40:00]唔係新聞來架啦, 之前舊屋都咬爛左我幾隻peter rabbit毛公仔 (又唔咬芝麻街, 麥嘜果d, 激死我), 估唔到最近又故態復萌!
oh no.. they are so naughty... how dare they are..... kill so many animals..
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/14/2010 16:38:00]Yes, I was very angry when I found out those things damaged by the two cats.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/14/2010 16:38:00]哈哈, 一貓還有一貓曳, 你係咪應該返去讚下妹妹: 好乖唷!
睇嚟同Peter Rabbit仇口好深!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/14/2010 17:02:00]係, 唔明點解, 可能知媽媽鍾意, 所以妒忌.
[版主回覆01/14/2010 17:53:00]我係睇住佢地分別咬cushion, 冷衫, 跳跳虎, 姆明, 而peter rabbit係因為咕咕有前科, 同埋最重要, 我大果四隻貓唔多咬野架. 貓咬電視真係聽得多, 幸好我d貓無呢個習慣 (好危險架), 咁耐只來, 只係咬爛過條LAN線.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/23/2010 19:17:00]兩個疑犯的確好好笑